“SQL converte em Linq online” Respostas de código

SQL converte em Linq online

Select pp.PartId, Count(rp.Id) from ProjectParts pp
inner join Parts p on pp.PartId = p.Id
left join RFQPlans rp on rp.PartId = pp.PartId
Where pp.ProjectId = 7 And pp.IsDeleted = 0 And rp.RFQId is null

GROUP BY pp.PartId
Ram Parshad

Conversor SQL para LINQ

select top 10 p.Nombre, p.Apellidos, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Personas ps WHERE PS.ParentCode LIKE '%' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, p.id) + '-%'   ) Total  
from personas p
ORDER BY Total desc
Smoggy Shrew

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