“Componente de interruptor angular” Respostas de código


<container-element [ngSwitch]="switch_expression">
  <!-- the same view can be shown in more than one case -->
  <some-element *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_1">...</some-element>
  <some-element *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_2">...</some-element>
  <some-other-element *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_3">...</some-other-element>
  <!--default case when there are no matches -->
  <some-element *ngSwitchDefault>...</some-element>
Worried Whale

Componente de interruptor angular

<container-element [ngSwitch]="switch_expression">
  <some-element *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_1">...</some-element>
Juice WRLD

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