throw new Error('Whoops!')
throw new Error('Whoops!')
FactoryController.prototype.create = function (callback) {
//The throw is working, and the exception is returned.
throw new Error('An error occurred'); //outside callback
try {
this.check(function (check_result) {
} catch (ex) {
throw new Error(ex.toString());
FactoryController.prototype.create = function (callback) {
try {
this.check(function (check_result) {
//The throw is not working on this case to return the exception to the caller(parent)
throw new Error('An error occurred'); //inside callback
} catch (ex) {
throw new Error(ex.toString());
throw new Error('Something bad occured');
// Throw generic Error
throw new Error("This is the error message");
// Throw more specific error types
throw new EvalError()
throw new RangeError()
throw new ReferenceError()
throw new SyntaxError()
throw new TypeError()
throw new URIError()
throw new AggregateError()
throw new InternaError() // Non-standard: Not for production sites
// Custom Error
class FooBarError extends Error {
constructor(message: string) {
var my_error : Error = new Error("Task failed successfully!");
throw my_error;