Stacks e seu código de ópera

#define Size 4 
int Top=-1, inp_array[Size];
void Push();
void Pop();
void show();
int main()
    int choice;
        printf("\nOperations performed by Stack");
        printf("\n1.Push the element\n2.Pop the element\n3.Show\n4.End");
        printf("\n\nEnter the choice:");
            case 1: Push();
            case 2: Pop();
            case 3: show();
            case 4: exit(0);
            default: printf("\nInvalid choice!!");
void Push()
    int x;
        printf("\nEnter element to be inserted to the stack:");
void Pop()
        printf("\nPopped element:  %d",inp_array[Top]);
void show()
        printf("\nElements present in the stack: \n");
        for(int i=Top;i>=0;--i)
Anish Kumar