“C Comprimento da lista nítida” Respostas de código

C Comprimento da lista nítida

// To get the length of a List use 'List<T>.Count'
List<string> stringList = new List<string>{"string1", "string2"};
// Output:
// 2

Comprimento da lista C#

//the using that need with list
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

//create List
List<int> list = new List<int>() {7,5,1,4 };
//set the length of the list to variable
int listLenght = list.Count;
//print length of the list
Rich Raven

Obtenha o comprimento da lista C#

public List<int> values;
public int listLength;

listLength = values.Count;
Pleasant Petrel

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