“converter .py para exe” Respostas de código

como fazer um exe python

pip install pyinstaller

cd YourFilePath

pyinstaller --onefile YourFileName
Condemned Cowfish

py para exe conversor online

#Convert .py to .exe don't use python ver 3.9 will not work recomment 3.8:

pip install pyinstaller

#to convert to a simple exe file the exe file will be in your dist folder
pyinstaller 'fileName.py'

#to convert to a onefile exe file the exe file will be in your dist folder
pyinstaller --onefile 'fileName.py'

to convert to a onefile exe file and the python window will not appear
pyinstaller -w --onefile 'fileName.py'

python para exe

pip install pyinstaller

cd FullPathOfFile in cmd console
pyinstaller --onefile pythonScriptName.py
# a .exe file is created in the FullPathOfFile\dist
Breakable Butterfly

Código para fazer um arquivo exe para Python

pip install pyinstaller

cd PathOfFile

pyinstaller --onefile -w ScriptName.py

(note that if you are using -w then your python file has to be an application and the file will be inside the "dist" folder)
Condemned Cowfish

como converter python para exe

Install pip using
	pip install pyinstaller

in the directory of the source code file run
	pyinstaller <file_name>.py
Weary Walrus

converter .py para exe

$ pip install auto-py-to-exe
Horrible Hornet

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