“Liste Python” Respostas de código

Lista em Python

list = ["string", 69, 6.9, True]
cool dude

Lista de Python

python_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Outrageous Ostrich

Lista de Python

my_list = [1, 2, '3', True]# We assume this list won't mutate for each example below
len(my_list)               # 4
my_list.index('3')         # 2
my_list.count(2)           # 1 --> count how many times 2 appears

my_list[3]                 # True
my_list[1:]                # [2, '3', True]
my_list[:1]                # [1]
my_list[-1]                # True
my_list[::1]               # [1, 2, '3', True]
my_list[::-1]              # [True, '3', 2, 1]
my_list[0:3:2]             # [1, '3']

# : is called slicing and has the format [ start : end : step ]
Tejas Naik

Lista em Python

# List 
a = []
# Dictionary
b = {}
# Tuple
c = ()
# Set
d = {1,2,3}
Frail Falcon

Liste Python

list = ["Facebook", "Instagram", "Snapchat", "Twitter"]

Liste Python

>> variable = "PYTHON"
>> variable[2]
>> variable[-4]

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