“Data do formato MySQL” Respostas de código

Data do formato MySQL

DATE_FORMAT(date, format)
-- E.g.
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(dateField, '%m/%d/%Y') FROM TableName;
-- See https://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-date_format/ for available formats

formato de data bonita mysql

DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%M %e, %Y @ %h:%i %p') 
#Format is 'June 10, 2014 @ 06:52 PM'
Friendly Hawk

formato de data mysql

-- Converts 'dd.mm.yyyy' to date	(my_date_col is VARCHAR)
SELECT STR_TO_DATE(my_date_col,'%d.%m.%Y') AS my_strdate FROM my_table;
-- Converts 'dd.mm.yyyy' to 'YYYY-MM-DD'
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(my_date_col,'%d.%m.%Y'), '%Y-%m-%d') AS my_strdate
	FROM my_table;

Formato de data mysql


SET df = DATE_FORMAT(_Datefrom,'%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00'); 
SET dt = DATE_FORMAT(_DateTo,'%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59');
Disturbed Dogfish

formato de data mysql

mysql date format > Y-m-d H:i:s

mysql date_format

Format	Description
%a	Abbreviated weekday name (Sun to Sat)
%b	Abbreviated month name (Jan to Dec)
%c	Numeric month name (0 to 12)
%D	Day of the month as a numeric value, followed by suffix (1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...)
%d	Day of the month as a numeric value (01 to 31)
%e	Day of the month as a numeric value (0 to 31)
%f	Microseconds (000000 to 999999)
%H	Hour (00 to 23)
%h	Hour (00 to 12)
%I	Hour (00 to 12)
%i	Minutes (00 to 59)
%j	Day of the year (001 to 366)
%k	Hour (0 to 23)
%l	Hour (1 to 12)
%M	Month name in full (January to December)
%m	Month name as a numeric value (00 to 12)
%p	AM or PM
%r	Time in 12 hour AM or PM format (hh:mm:ss AM/PM)
%S	Seconds (00 to 59)
%s	Seconds (00 to 59)
%T	Time in 24 hour format (hh:mm:ss)
%U	Week where Sunday is the first day of the week (00 to 53)
%u	Week where Monday is the first day of the week (00 to 53)
%V	Week where Sunday is the first day of the week (01 to 53). Used with %X
%v	Week where Monday is the first day of the week (01 to 53). Used with %x
%W	Weekday name in full (Sunday to Saturday)
%w	Day of the week where Sunday=0 and Saturday=6
%X	Year for the week where Sunday is the first day of the week. Used with %V
%x	Year for the week where Monday is the first day of the week. Used with %v
%Y	Year as a numeric, 4-digit value
%y	Year as a numeric, 2-digit value
Better Bison

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