Qual é o formato de arquivo 3D mais simples de analisar? [fechadas]
Quero analisar os arquivos criados pelo Blender diretamente no meu programa Lisp caseiro. Venho retirando dados de arquivos .X3D manualmente. Esse é o melhor formato para se concentrar na gravação de um analisador?
Eu nunca teria pensado nisso! Eu poderia despejá-lo no código lisp diretamente e pular o intermediário. Além disso, ótimo exemplo de resposta à minha necessidade, em vez de apenas a pergunta.
Sempre achei os arquivos OBJ mais fáceis de analisar, mas tendem a ser grandes porque são "legíveis por humanos". No entanto, eles são públicos e padronizados.
Eu acho que um exportador de liquidificador personalizado irá inserir itens no meu código mais rapidamente. No entanto, agradeço a oferta do seu código.
O formato Milkshape (MS3D) foi bastante fácil de implementar um leitor para, em C ++ e C #. Aqui está a especificação que eu usei (recuperada de web.archive.org ):
//////// MilkShape 3D 1.8.2 File Format Specification////// This specifcation is written in C style.////// The data structures are defined in the order as they appear in the .ms3d file.////////////// max values//#define MAX_VERTICES 65534#define MAX_TRIANGLES 65534#define MAX_GROUPS 255#define MAX_MATERIALS 128#define MAX_JOINTS 128//// flags//#define SELECTED 1#define HIDDEN 2#define SELECTED2 4#define DIRTY 8//// types//#ifndefbytetypedefunsignedcharbyte;#endif// byte#ifndef word
typedefunsignedshort word;#endif// word// force one byte alignment#include<pshpack1.h>//// First comes the header (sizeof(ms3d_header_t) == 14)//typedefstruct{char id[10];// always "MS3D000000"int version;// 4}ms3d_header_t;//// Then comes the number of vertices//
word nNumVertices;// 2 bytes//// Then come nNumVertices times ms3d_vertex_t structs (sizeof(ms3d_vertex_t) == 15)//typedefstruct{byte flags;// SELECTED | SELECTED2 | HIDDENfloat vertex[3];//char boneId;// -1 = no bonebyte referenceCount;}ms3d_vertex_t;//// Then comes the number of triangles//
word nNumTriangles;// 2 bytes//// Then come nNumTriangles times ms3d_triangle_t structs (sizeof(ms3d_triangle_t) == 70)//typedefstruct{
word vertexIndices[3];//float vertexNormals[3][3];//float s[3];//float t[3];//byte smoothingGroup;// 1 - 32byte groupIndex;//}ms3d_triangle_t;//// Then comes the number of groups//
word nNumGroups;// 2 bytes//// Then come nNumGroups times groups (the sizeof a group is dynamic, because of triangleIndices is numtriangles long)//typedefstruct{byte flags;// SELECTED | HIDDENchar name[32];//
word numtriangles;//
word triangleIndices[numtriangles];// the groups group the triangleschar materialIndex;// -1 = no material}ms3d_group_t;//// number of materials//
word nNumMaterials;// 2 bytes//// Then come nNumMaterials times ms3d_material_t structs (sizeof(ms3d_material_t) == 361)//typedefstruct{char name[32];//float ambient[4];//float diffuse[4];//float specular[4];//float emissive[4];//float shininess;// 0.0f - 128.0ffloat transparency;// 0.0f - 1.0fchar mode;// 0, 1, 2 is unused nowchar texture[128];// texture.bmpchar alphamap[128];// alpha.bmp}ms3d_material_t;//// save some keyframer data//float fAnimationFPS;// 4 bytesfloat fCurrentTime;// 4 bytesint iTotalFrames;// 4 bytes//// number of joints//
word nNumJoints;// 2 bytes//// Then come nNumJoints joints (the size of joints are dynamic, because each joint has a differnt count of keys//typedefstruct// 16 bytes{float time;// time in secondsfloat rotation[3];// x, y, z angles}ms3d_keyframe_rot_t;typedefstruct// 16 bytes{float time;// time in secondsfloat position[3];// local position}ms3d_keyframe_pos_t;typedefstruct{byte flags;// SELECTED | DIRTYchar name[32];//char parentName[32];//float rotation[3];// local reference matrixfloat position[3];
word numKeyFramesRot;//
word numKeyFramesTrans;//ms3d_keyframe_rot_t keyFramesRot[numKeyFramesRot];// local animation matricesms3d_keyframe_pos_t keyFramesTrans[numKeyFramesTrans];// local animation matrices}ms3d_joint_t;//// Then comes the subVersion of the comments part, which is not available in older files//int subVersion;// subVersion is = 1, 4 bytes// Then comes the numer of group commentsunsignedint nNumGroupComments;// 4 bytes//// Then come nNumGroupComments times group comments, which are dynamic, because the comment can be any length//typedefstruct{int index;// index of group, material or jointint commentLength;// length of comment (terminating '\0' is not saved), "MC" has comment length of 2 (not 3)char comment[commentLength];// comment}ms3d_comment_t;// Then comes the number of material commentsint nNumMaterialComments;// 4 bytes//// Then come nNumMaterialComments times material comments, which are dynamic, because the comment can be any length//// Then comes the number of joint commentsint nNumJointComments;// 4 bytes//// Then come nNumJointComments times joint comments, which are dynamic, because the comment can be any length//// Then comes the number of model comments, which is always 0 or 1int nHasModelComment;// 4 bytes//// Then come nHasModelComment times model comments, which are dynamic, because the comment can be any length//// Then comes the subversion of the vertex extra information like bone weights, extra etc.int subVersion;// subVersion is = 2, 4 bytes// ms3d_vertex_ex_t for subVersion == 1typedefstruct{char boneIds[3];// index of joint or -1, if -1, then that weight is ignored, since subVersion 1byte weights[3];// vertex weight ranging from 0 - 255, last weight is computed by 1.0 - sum(all weights), since subVersion 1// weight[0] is the weight for boneId in ms3d_vertex_t// weight[1] is the weight for boneIds[0]// weight[2] is the weight for boneIds[1]// 1.0f - weight[0] - weight[1] - weight[2] is the weight for boneIds[2]}ms3d_vertex_ex_t;// ms3d_vertex_ex_t for subVersion == 2typedefstruct{char boneIds[3];// index of joint or -1, if -1, then that weight is ignored, since subVersion 1byte weights[3];// vertex weight ranging from 0 - 100, last weight is computed by 1.0 - sum(all weights), since subVersion 1// weight[0] is the weight for boneId in ms3d_vertex_t// weight[1] is the weight for boneIds[0]// weight[2] is the weight for boneIds[1]// 1.0f - weight[0] - weight[1] - weight[2] is the weight for boneIds[2]unsignedint extra;// vertex extra, which can be used as color or anything else, since subVersion 2}ms3d_vertex_ex_t;// Then comes nNumVertices times ms3d_vertex_ex_t structs (sizeof(ms3d_vertex_ex_t) == 10)// Then comes the subversion of the joint extra information like color etc.int subVersion;// subVersion is = 2, 4 bytes// ms3d_joint_ex_t for subVersion == 1typedefstruct{float color[3];// joint color, since subVersion == 1}ms3d_joint_ex_t;// Then comes nNumJoints times ms3d_joint_ex_t structs (sizeof(ms3d_joint_ex_t) == 12)// Then comes the subversion of the model extra informationint subVersion;// subVersion is = 1, 4 bytes// ms3d_model_ex_t for subVersion == 1typedefstruct{float jointSize;// joint size, since subVersion == 1int transparencyMode;// 0 = simple, 1 = depth buffered with alpha ref, 2 = depth sorted triangles, since subVersion == 1float alphaRef;// alpha reference value for transparencyMode = 1, since subVersion == 1}ms3d_model_ex_t;#include<poppack.h>//// Mesh Transformation:// // 0. Build the transformation matrices from the rotation and position// 1. Multiply the vertices by the inverse of local reference matrix (lmatrix0)// 2. then translate the result by (lmatrix0 * keyFramesTrans)// 3. then multiply the result by (lmatrix0 * keyFramesRot)//// For normals skip step 2.//////// NOTE: this file format may change in future versions!////// - Mete Ciragan//
Escreva um exportador. Não mesmo.
Dessa forma, você pode enviar exatamente os dados necessários no formato desejado.
Quando você inicia a partir de um dos plugins existentes, é realmente muito fácil.
Sempre achei os arquivos OBJ mais fáceis de analisar, mas tendem a ser grandes porque são "legíveis por humanos". No entanto, eles são públicos e padronizados.
Se você precisar, a Especificação de Obj:
http://paulbourke.net/d Plataformats/obj/
Obviamente, o .obj é o mais fácil de analisar, mas se você precisar de algo um pouco mais poderoso (com animações), obtenha o formato de arquivo .md2.
Texto do link
Se eu conseguir descobrir um pouco do meu código no ensino médio, talvez consiga encontrar um carregador md2 que escrevi.
O formato Milkshape (MS3D) foi bastante fácil de implementar um leitor para, em C ++ e C #. Aqui está a especificação que eu usei (recuperada de web.archive.org ):
O mais fácil de carregar é o OBJ (que é legível por humanos), outros são terrivelmente complexos.