Qual é o formato de arquivo 3D mais simples de analisar? [fechadas]


Quero analisar os arquivos criados pelo Blender diretamente no meu programa Lisp caseiro. Venho retirando dados de arquivos .X3D manualmente. Esse é o melhor formato para se concentrar na gravação de um analisador?


Obtenha uma biblioteca LISP que fará isso por você.



Escreva um exportador. Não mesmo.

Dessa forma, você pode enviar exatamente os dados necessários no formato desejado.

Quando você inicia a partir de um dos plugins existentes, é realmente muito fácil.

Eu nunca teria pensado nisso! Eu poderia despejá-lo no código lisp diretamente e pular o intermediário. Além disso, ótimo exemplo de resposta à minha necessidade, em vez de apenas a pergunta.

Sempre achei os arquivos OBJ mais fáceis de analisar, mas tendem a ser grandes porque são "legíveis por humanos". No entanto, eles são públicos e padronizados.

Se você precisar, a Especificação de Obj:

http://paulbourke.net/d Plataformats/obj/


Obviamente, o .obj é o mais fácil de analisar, mas se você precisar de algo um pouco mais poderoso (com animações), obtenha o formato de arquivo .md2.

Texto do link

Se eu conseguir descobrir um pouco do meu código no ensino médio, talvez consiga encontrar um carregador md2 que escrevi.

Eu acho que um exportador de liquidificador personalizado irá inserir itens no meu código mais rapidamente. No entanto, agradeço a oferta do seu código.

O formato Milkshape (MS3D) foi bastante fácil de implementar um leitor para, em C ++ e C #. Aqui está a especificação que eu usei (recuperada de web.archive.org ):

//                MilkShape 3D 1.8.2 File Format Specification
//                  This specifcation is written in C style.
// The data structures are defined in the order as they appear in the .ms3d file.

// max values
#define MAX_VERTICES    65534
#define MAX_TRIANGLES   65534
#define MAX_GROUPS      255
#define MAX_MATERIALS   128
#define MAX_JOINTS      128

// flags
#define SELECTED        1
#define HIDDEN          2
#define SELECTED2       4
#define DIRTY           8

// types
#ifndef byte
typedef unsigned char byte;
#endif // byte

#ifndef word
typedef unsigned short word;
#endif // word

// force one byte alignment
#include <pshpack1.h>

// First comes the header (sizeof(ms3d_header_t) == 14)
typedef struct
    char    id[10];                                     // always "MS3D000000"
    int     version;                                    // 4
} ms3d_header_t;

// Then comes the number of vertices
word nNumVertices; // 2 bytes

// Then come nNumVertices times ms3d_vertex_t structs (sizeof(ms3d_vertex_t) == 15)
typedef struct
    byte    flags;                                      // SELECTED | SELECTED2 | HIDDEN
    float   vertex[3];                                  //
    char    boneId;                                     // -1 = no bone
    byte    referenceCount;
} ms3d_vertex_t;

// Then comes the number of triangles
word nNumTriangles; // 2 bytes

// Then come nNumTriangles times ms3d_triangle_t structs (sizeof(ms3d_triangle_t) == 70)
typedef struct
    word    flags;                                      // SELECTED | SELECTED2 | HIDDEN
    word    vertexIndices[3];                           //
    float   vertexNormals[3][3];                        //
    float   s[3];                                       //
    float   t[3];                                       //
    byte    smoothingGroup;                             // 1 - 32
    byte    groupIndex;                                 //
} ms3d_triangle_t;

// Then comes the number of groups
word nNumGroups; // 2 bytes

// Then come nNumGroups times groups (the sizeof a group is dynamic, because of triangleIndices is numtriangles long)
typedef struct
    byte            flags;                              // SELECTED | HIDDEN
    char            name[32];                           //
    word            numtriangles;                       //
    word            triangleIndices[numtriangles];      // the groups group the triangles
    char            materialIndex;                      // -1 = no material
} ms3d_group_t;

// number of materials
word nNumMaterials; // 2 bytes

// Then come nNumMaterials times ms3d_material_t structs (sizeof(ms3d_material_t) == 361)
typedef struct
    char            name[32];                           //
    float           ambient[4];                         //
    float           diffuse[4];                         //
    float           specular[4];                        //
    float           emissive[4];                        //
    float           shininess;                          // 0.0f - 128.0f
    float           transparency;                       // 0.0f - 1.0f
    char            mode;                               // 0, 1, 2 is unused now
    char            texture[128];                        // texture.bmp
    char            alphamap[128];                       // alpha.bmp
} ms3d_material_t;

// save some keyframer data
float fAnimationFPS; // 4 bytes
float fCurrentTime; // 4 bytes
int iTotalFrames; // 4 bytes

// number of joints
word nNumJoints; // 2 bytes

// Then come nNumJoints joints (the size of joints are dynamic, because each joint has a differnt count of keys
typedef struct // 16 bytes
    float           time;                               // time in seconds
    float           rotation[3];                        // x, y, z angles
} ms3d_keyframe_rot_t;

typedef struct // 16 bytes
    float           time;                               // time in seconds
    float           position[3];                        // local position
} ms3d_keyframe_pos_t;

typedef struct
    byte            flags;                              // SELECTED | DIRTY
    char            name[32];                           //
    char            parentName[32];                     //
    float           rotation[3];                        // local reference matrix
    float           position[3];

    word            numKeyFramesRot;                    //
    word            numKeyFramesTrans;                  //

    ms3d_keyframe_rot_t keyFramesRot[numKeyFramesRot];      // local animation matrices
    ms3d_keyframe_pos_t keyFramesTrans[numKeyFramesTrans];  // local animation matrices
} ms3d_joint_t;

// Then comes the subVersion of the comments part, which is not available in older files
int subVersion; // subVersion is = 1, 4 bytes

// Then comes the numer of group comments
unsigned int nNumGroupComments; // 4 bytes

// Then come nNumGroupComments times group comments, which are dynamic, because the comment can be any length
typedef struct
  int index;                                            // index of group, material or joint
  int commentLength;                                    // length of comment (terminating '\0' is not saved), "MC" has comment length of 2 (not 3)
  char comment[commentLength];                      // comment
} ms3d_comment_t;

// Then comes the number of material comments
int nNumMaterialComments; // 4 bytes

// Then come nNumMaterialComments times material comments, which are dynamic, because the comment can be any length

// Then comes the number of joint comments
int nNumJointComments; // 4 bytes

// Then come nNumJointComments times joint comments, which are dynamic, because the comment can be any length

// Then comes the number of model comments, which is always 0 or 1
int nHasModelComment; // 4 bytes

// Then come nHasModelComment times model comments, which are dynamic, because the comment can be any length

// Then comes the subversion of the vertex extra information like bone weights, extra etc.
int subVersion;     // subVersion is = 2, 4 bytes

// ms3d_vertex_ex_t for subVersion == 1
typedef struct
  char boneIds[3];                                  // index of joint or -1, if -1, then that weight is ignored, since subVersion 1
  byte weights[3];                                  // vertex weight ranging from 0 - 255, last weight is computed by 1.0 - sum(all weights), since subVersion 1
  // weight[0] is the weight for boneId in ms3d_vertex_t
  // weight[1] is the weight for boneIds[0]
  // weight[2] is the weight for boneIds[1]
  // 1.0f - weight[0] - weight[1] - weight[2] is the weight for boneIds[2]
} ms3d_vertex_ex_t;

// ms3d_vertex_ex_t for subVersion == 2
typedef struct
  char boneIds[3];                                  // index of joint or -1, if -1, then that weight is ignored, since subVersion 1
  byte weights[3];                                  // vertex weight ranging from 0 - 100, last weight is computed by 1.0 - sum(all weights), since subVersion 1
  // weight[0] is the weight for boneId in ms3d_vertex_t
  // weight[1] is the weight for boneIds[0]
  // weight[2] is the weight for boneIds[1]
  // 1.0f - weight[0] - weight[1] - weight[2] is the weight for boneIds[2]
  unsigned int extra;                                   // vertex extra, which can be used as color or anything else, since subVersion 2
} ms3d_vertex_ex_t;

// Then comes nNumVertices times ms3d_vertex_ex_t structs (sizeof(ms3d_vertex_ex_t) == 10)

// Then comes the subversion of the joint extra information like color etc.
int subVersion;     // subVersion is = 2, 4 bytes

// ms3d_joint_ex_t for subVersion == 1
typedef struct
  float color[3];   // joint color, since subVersion == 1
} ms3d_joint_ex_t;

// Then comes nNumJoints times ms3d_joint_ex_t structs (sizeof(ms3d_joint_ex_t) == 12)

// Then comes the subversion of the model extra information
int subVersion;     // subVersion is = 1, 4 bytes

// ms3d_model_ex_t for subVersion == 1
typedef struct
  float jointSize;  // joint size, since subVersion == 1
  int transparencyMode; // 0 = simple, 1 = depth buffered with alpha ref, 2 = depth sorted triangles, since subVersion == 1
  float alphaRef; // alpha reference value for transparencyMode = 1, since subVersion == 1
} ms3d_model_ex_t;

#include <poppack.h>

// Mesh Transformation:
// 0. Build the transformation matrices from the rotation and position
// 1. Multiply the vertices by the inverse of local reference matrix (lmatrix0)
// 2. then translate the result by (lmatrix0 * keyFramesTrans)
// 3. then multiply the result by (lmatrix0 * keyFramesRot)
// For normals skip step 2.
// NOTE:  this file format may change in future versions!
// - Mete Ciragan

O mais fácil de carregar é o OBJ (que é legível por humanos), outros são terrivelmente complexos.
