“React-native Array.Filter By Index Arrow Função” Respostas de código

React-native Array.Filter By Index Arrow Função

// in react-native, removing an item from an array. SelectedStoryPhotos is the array name, remember item is the array item, index is it's position in the arry, picture
// index is the index of the array item you want removed passed in.
	this.setState(state => {
		const selectedStoryPhotos = state.selectedStoryPhotos.filter((item, index) => pictureindex !== index);
		return {selectedStoryPhotos,

FILTER () Matriz de objetos na mudança React

const handleChange = (e) => {
      const id = hospitalsDetails.filter(obj => obj.hospitalName == e.target.value)
      setCurrentApp({ ...currentApp, [e.target.id]: e.target.value, ["hospitalID"]: id.hospitalID })  

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