“iife JavaScript” Respostas de código

Função de invocar imediato JS

(() => {
  // statements
Programming Bird

iife JavaScript

var result = (function () {
    var name = "Barry"; 
    return name; 
// Immediately creates the output: 
result; // "Barry"
Cute Civet

JavaScript IIFE

//IIFE, aka, 'Immediately Invoked Function Expression'
//The syntax for defining an IIFE can be seen in the following example:

     return a + b; 

//You can also use an arrow function in defining an IIFE:
(() => {     

Função invocada imediatamente JavaScript

(function() {
  /* */
Xerothermic Xenomorph


/*An IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) is a JavaScript 
function that runs as soon as it is defined

(function () {
        //write your js code here
Excited Eel

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