“JavaScript aninhou -se a destruição” Respostas de código

JavaScript aninhou -se a destruição

// Destructuring an object > array > object structure
const returnedObject = {
  docsArray: [
    {socketRoom: '', routes: []},
    {socketRoom: '', routes: []},
    {socketRoom: '', routes: []},

// this will destructure the first and second elements from docsArray, and spread the remainder
const {docsArray: [element0, element1, ...remainder]} = returnedObject

// taking this further with destructing properties from element0 
const {docsArray: [{socketRoom0, routes0} = element0, {socketRoom1, routes1} = element1]} = returnedObject

// note the syntax for destructing Objects and Arrays
const {propName} = Object
const [element0, element1] = Array

// then one layer deep where Object[propName] is an Array
const {propName: [element0]} = Object

// then two layers, where element0 is an Object
const {propName: [{propName} = element0]}

// three layers
const {propName: [{propName: [element00]} = element0]}

ES6 Parâmetro Destructura objeto aninhado

const myFunc = ({event: {target: {name,secondName}}}) => {

myFunc({event: {target: {name: 'fred'}}})
Poised Petrel

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