“Javascript Math Roded” Respostas de código

JS arredondando

//There are meny ways of rounding...
Math.floor(5.5) //Answer 5, it alwas rounds down.
Math.round(5.5) //Answer 6, it simpily rounds to the closest whole number.
Math.ceil(5.5) //Answer 6, it alwas rounds up.

//You can do more things too...
Math.floor(5.57 * 10) / 10 //Answer 5.5, the number turns into 55.7, Then gets floored (55.0), Then gets divied, (5.5).
Determined Programmer

arredondando em javascript

var avg=10.55;
console.log(Math.round(avg)); //Prints 11
Gorgeous Gerenuk

arredondando os números JavaScript

Math.round(3.14159 * 100) / 100  // 3.14

3.14159.toFixed(2);              // 3.14 returns a string
parseFloat(3.14159.toFixed(2));  // 3.14 returns a number
Obnoxious Osprey

arrondi js

let x = 2.960024578;
let res = x.toFixed(2);


Math.round((num + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100
Graceful Grebe

Javascript Math Roded

var myNumber = 33.55;
var output = Math.random(myNumber);
Ariful Islam Adil(Code Lover)

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